Media Interviews:
AFP, "China's street vendors rush to sell despite mixed messages", by Laurie Chen, June 11, 2020.
BBC, "国安法:取消香港独立关税区的博弈", May 28, 2020.
BBC, "肺炎疫情下,有關中美貿易戰走向的四個問答", May 18, 2020.
NBC News, "In China, four decades of economic growth screeches to a halt", by Betsy Joles, May 14, 2020.
BBC, "中國一季度GDP降6.8% 幾十年來首次負增長復蘇前景不明朗", April 17, 2020.
Ozy, "The Mao-Era School Shutdown That Forever Changed Education in China", April 13, 2020.
The Economist, "How a victim of the Cultural Revolution mastered economics", July 2, 2019.
BBC, "贸易战阴影下 中国进出口额为何不减反增 ", January 16, 2019.
Sound of Hope, "路透调查:贸易战冲击效果初显 中国9月进出口增速下滑", October 10, 2018.
HKET, "美經濟邁入最好時代 中國不宜硬撼", October 9, 2018.
BBC, "中期選舉前的經濟信號:美國增勢強勁 中國連續降凖", October 8, 2018.
BBC, "President Xi Jinping's Keynote Address at the Boao Forum", April 12, 2018.
BBC, "Liu He's Appointment as China's Vice-premier of The State Council Will Invigorate China's Economic Development", by 陳岩, March 19, 2018.
HKTDC (video), "Belt and Road - HKUST’s Key Research Role", March 18, 2018.
Deutsche Welle, "Will China's High Debt Levels Spark a Financial Crisis?", March 14, 2018.
RTHK 3 (video) "Money Talk: Challenges Facing Chinese Manufacturers", July 27, 2017.
Forbes, "How does immigration affect global business?", by Yale, July 10, 2017.
CUP, "請人又貴又難?中國廠商改請機械人", by Ann Wong, July 5, 2017.
新浪網, "中国制造业工资水平10年翻番 机器人势将取代工人", by 帅可聪, July 3, 2017.
Bloomberg, "China Robots Displace Workers as Wage Spiral Pressures Profits in China", July 3, 2017.
South China Morning Post, "HKUST Business School partners with UOB Hong Kong to talk about Belt and Road offers opportunities in Myanmar", June 24, 2017.
South China Morning Post, "China’s factory owners pick robots over job-hopping workers", by Sidney Leng, June 20, 2017.
South China Morning Post, "Cover Story - Getting Road Ready for Education and Research", May 9, 2017.
Bloomberg, "China’s Booming Service Industry Can’t Keep Up With College Grads", by Dexter Roberts, May 5, 2017.
CN Politics, "升职称能激励中小学教师努力工作吗?", by 马亮, April 7, 2017.
Bloomberg, “China’s Rural Poor Bear the Brunt of the Nation’s Aging Crisis”, by Dexter Roberts, January 5, 2017.
The Street, "With Branstad Pick, Trump Sends Signal He’s Willing to Work with China", by Emily Stewart and Vicky Huang, December 9, 2016.
The Street, "What a Trump Presidency Means for US-China Economic Relations", by Vicky Huang, November 9, 2016.
NetEase Finance, "Population in China", June 27, 2016.
CCTV America (video), "The State of Education in China", March 14, 2016.
RTHK Radio 3 (audio), "China's Economic Growth and Trade Figures", March 10, 2016.
The Washington Post, "Strikes and Workers’ Protests Multiply in China, Testing Party Authority", by Simon Denyer, February 25, 2016.
Bloomberg, “China Trumpets Its Service Economy”, by Dexter Roberts, January 19, 2016.
Bloomberg, “Layoffs Loom in China as Growth Slows”, by Dexter Roberts, January 15, 2016.
HKUST Alumni Association’s Online Magazine, “Facing Up to an Aging Society”, January 1, 2016.
China Daily, “The Cyborgs are Coming”, by Yuke Wang, September 24, 2015.
Education Post, “Rising Wages, Labour Regulation and the Future of Employment in China”, September 17, 2015.
The Wall Street Journal, “China Nursing-Home Fire Spurs Soul-Searching”, by Te-Ping Chen, May 26, 2015.
South China Morning Post, “China’s Economic Reforms Will Give a Boost to the Private Sector”, February 10, 2015.
CNN (video), “The Macro Environment of Emerging Markets”, November 18, 2014.
Hong Kong Economic Journal, "學者批內地城市低效", by 李澄欣, November 19, 2013.
Bloomberg, “Chinese Rage at the Pension System”, by Dexter Roberts, November 1, 2013.
CNN, “New Chinese Law: Visiting Your Parents”, by Meng Meng and Katie Hunt, July 3, 2013.
Asian Scientist, “Elderly Chinese Women Fare Worse than men in China”, June 3, 2013.
The Wall Street Journal, "Beijing’s Latest Worry: College Grads", by William Kazer and Liyan Qi, May 27, 2013
The Wall Street Journal, "Seeking Help – For China’s Labor Market", by Liyan Qi and Tom Orlik, May 23, 2013.
Freakonomics (audio), “Smarter Kids at 10 Bucks a Pop”, by Stephen Dubner, April 8, 2011.
Xinhua News, “Graduate Jobs, Rising Wages Forecast in China’s Economic Changes”, November 10, 2010.
China Daily, “Crisis an Opportunity for China: Oxford Scholars”, by Nuo You and Jing Fu, March 30, 2009.
The Economist, “The Great Wall of Unemployed”, November 27, 2008.
BBC Radio 4 (audio), “The Dollar and Dominance”, October 23, 2008.
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Employment for the Masses in China”, by John Garnaut, May 5, 2008.
BBC, "国安法:取消香港独立关税区的博弈", May 28, 2020.
BBC, "肺炎疫情下,有關中美貿易戰走向的四個問答", May 18, 2020.
NBC News, "In China, four decades of economic growth screeches to a halt", by Betsy Joles, May 14, 2020.
BBC, "中國一季度GDP降6.8% 幾十年來首次負增長復蘇前景不明朗", April 17, 2020.
Ozy, "The Mao-Era School Shutdown That Forever Changed Education in China", April 13, 2020.
The Economist, "How a victim of the Cultural Revolution mastered economics", July 2, 2019.
BBC, "贸易战阴影下 中国进出口额为何不减反增 ", January 16, 2019.
Sound of Hope, "路透调查:贸易战冲击效果初显 中国9月进出口增速下滑", October 10, 2018.
HKET, "美經濟邁入最好時代 中國不宜硬撼", October 9, 2018.
BBC, "中期選舉前的經濟信號:美國增勢強勁 中國連續降凖", October 8, 2018.
BBC, "President Xi Jinping's Keynote Address at the Boao Forum", April 12, 2018.
BBC, "Liu He's Appointment as China's Vice-premier of The State Council Will Invigorate China's Economic Development", by 陳岩, March 19, 2018.
HKTDC (video), "Belt and Road - HKUST’s Key Research Role", March 18, 2018.
Deutsche Welle, "Will China's High Debt Levels Spark a Financial Crisis?", March 14, 2018.
RTHK 3 (video) "Money Talk: Challenges Facing Chinese Manufacturers", July 27, 2017.
Forbes, "How does immigration affect global business?", by Yale, July 10, 2017.
CUP, "請人又貴又難?中國廠商改請機械人", by Ann Wong, July 5, 2017.
新浪網, "中国制造业工资水平10年翻番 机器人势将取代工人", by 帅可聪, July 3, 2017.
Bloomberg, "China Robots Displace Workers as Wage Spiral Pressures Profits in China", July 3, 2017.
South China Morning Post, "HKUST Business School partners with UOB Hong Kong to talk about Belt and Road offers opportunities in Myanmar", June 24, 2017.
South China Morning Post, "China’s factory owners pick robots over job-hopping workers", by Sidney Leng, June 20, 2017.
South China Morning Post, "Cover Story - Getting Road Ready for Education and Research", May 9, 2017.
Bloomberg, "China’s Booming Service Industry Can’t Keep Up With College Grads", by Dexter Roberts, May 5, 2017.
CN Politics, "升职称能激励中小学教师努力工作吗?", by 马亮, April 7, 2017.
Bloomberg, “China’s Rural Poor Bear the Brunt of the Nation’s Aging Crisis”, by Dexter Roberts, January 5, 2017.
The Street, "With Branstad Pick, Trump Sends Signal He’s Willing to Work with China", by Emily Stewart and Vicky Huang, December 9, 2016.
The Street, "What a Trump Presidency Means for US-China Economic Relations", by Vicky Huang, November 9, 2016.
NetEase Finance, "Population in China", June 27, 2016.
CCTV America (video), "The State of Education in China", March 14, 2016.
RTHK Radio 3 (audio), "China's Economic Growth and Trade Figures", March 10, 2016.
The Washington Post, "Strikes and Workers’ Protests Multiply in China, Testing Party Authority", by Simon Denyer, February 25, 2016.
Bloomberg, “China Trumpets Its Service Economy”, by Dexter Roberts, January 19, 2016.
Bloomberg, “Layoffs Loom in China as Growth Slows”, by Dexter Roberts, January 15, 2016.
HKUST Alumni Association’s Online Magazine, “Facing Up to an Aging Society”, January 1, 2016.
China Daily, “The Cyborgs are Coming”, by Yuke Wang, September 24, 2015.
Education Post, “Rising Wages, Labour Regulation and the Future of Employment in China”, September 17, 2015.
The Wall Street Journal, “China Nursing-Home Fire Spurs Soul-Searching”, by Te-Ping Chen, May 26, 2015.
South China Morning Post, “China’s Economic Reforms Will Give a Boost to the Private Sector”, February 10, 2015.
CNN (video), “The Macro Environment of Emerging Markets”, November 18, 2014.
Hong Kong Economic Journal, "學者批內地城市低效", by 李澄欣, November 19, 2013.
Bloomberg, “Chinese Rage at the Pension System”, by Dexter Roberts, November 1, 2013.
CNN, “New Chinese Law: Visiting Your Parents”, by Meng Meng and Katie Hunt, July 3, 2013.
Asian Scientist, “Elderly Chinese Women Fare Worse than men in China”, June 3, 2013.
The Wall Street Journal, "Beijing’s Latest Worry: College Grads", by William Kazer and Liyan Qi, May 27, 2013
The Wall Street Journal, "Seeking Help – For China’s Labor Market", by Liyan Qi and Tom Orlik, May 23, 2013.
Freakonomics (audio), “Smarter Kids at 10 Bucks a Pop”, by Stephen Dubner, April 8, 2011.
Xinhua News, “Graduate Jobs, Rising Wages Forecast in China’s Economic Changes”, November 10, 2010.
China Daily, “Crisis an Opportunity for China: Oxford Scholars”, by Nuo You and Jing Fu, March 30, 2009.
The Economist, “The Great Wall of Unemployed”, November 27, 2008.
BBC Radio 4 (audio), “The Dollar and Dominance”, October 23, 2008.
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Employment for the Masses in China”, by John Garnaut, May 5, 2008.
Media Commentaries:
South China Morning Post, "The Future of Work in China and the World", May 24, 2019.
CNN, “From Hotspots to Headwinds... What Next for Emerging Markets”, November 18, 2014.
The New York Times, “There’s No Need to Declare Economic Calamity in China”, April 8, 2014.
The New York Times, “Don’t Underestimate China’s Dynamism”, April 15, 2011.
The New York Times, “Educated and Fearing the Future in China”, March 7, 2010.
China Daily, “Still Much to be Done in Fight Against Poverty”, April 8, 2009.
CNN, “From Hotspots to Headwinds... What Next for Emerging Markets”, November 18, 2014.
The New York Times, “There’s No Need to Declare Economic Calamity in China”, April 8, 2014.
The New York Times, “Don’t Underestimate China’s Dynamism”, April 15, 2011.
The New York Times, “Educated and Fearing the Future in China”, March 7, 2010.
China Daily, “Still Much to be Done in Fight Against Poverty”, April 8, 2009.
Presentations (videos):
The Belt and Road: From Vision to Reality, "Indonesia on the Belt and Road", May 17, 2018.
HKUST IEMS, "The Plight of Manufacturing and the Future of Jobs in China", September 14, 2016.
HKUST IEMS Conference on Urbanization, Structural Change, and Employment, "How are Chinese Manufacturing Firms Coping with Rising Labor Costs: Preliminary Evidence from Employer-Employee Surveys in Guangdong", December 11, 2015.
USC US-China Institute, “The Chinese Labor Market: Prospects and Challenges”, March 21, 2011.
HKUST IEMS, "The Plight of Manufacturing and the Future of Jobs in China", September 14, 2016.
HKUST IEMS Conference on Urbanization, Structural Change, and Employment, "How are Chinese Manufacturing Firms Coping with Rising Labor Costs: Preliminary Evidence from Employer-Employee Surveys in Guangdong", December 11, 2015.
USC US-China Institute, “The Chinese Labor Market: Prospects and Challenges”, March 21, 2011.